Riverside Citizens Neighborhood Association Meeting

You are invited to Riverside Citizens Association meeting. Visit and Learn what is going on in Riverside. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Weather and Covid permitting.

Wichita Independent Neighborhood Meeting.

Hey WIN members! I have presenters scheduled for the upcoming May 21 WIN/CoW meeting. We have someone from Planning who will be going over the Places for People Plan and will also have Lt. Hungria with Animal Control. Lt. Hungria would like to know what specific topics you’d like to discuss about Animal Control, so […]

Hearing for the CAR WASH case # CON2021-000015

Metropolitan Area Planning Commission will hear the of the Club Car Wash on the river. CON2021-00015 The people understand eventually redevelopment will come to this lot. The question is whether a high-volume commercial drive thru car wash is suitable.   This is a 3 Part Process… The MAPC Hearing, The Protest Petition period, and the […]

Porch Parade, River Fest

June Riverfest 2021 Events 2021 June Mini Guide Riverfest 2021 Mobile App Riverfest Porch Parade Map 2021 Riverfest Porch Parade Participants (pasted from Wichita Festivals website) Grab your friends, family or neighbors and check out the fun entries in the Riverfest Porch Parade! Here is a list of all participants. You can also view the […]

Tri-Neighborhood Picnic

Riverside Citizens Association will provide hotdogs and accompaniments, beverages, and ice cream sundaes.


Partnering with several community organizations every year to host the official annual JuneteenthICT Celebration in Wichita, KS. ​Follow along on Facebook by clicking here. Are you interested in partnering, sponsoring and/or learning more about JuneteenthICT? Contact us at or call 316.293.8441

Candidate Forum

Woodland Methodist Church 1100 W 15th St N,, Wichita, KS, Kansas, United States

District 6 City Council Primary Candidate Forum.

Wichita Festival of the Arts – Fall Fest

Central Riverside Park KS, United States

Wichita Festival of the Arts - Fall Fest Sat, 10 AM – 3 PM Central Riverside Park, 720 Nims N Wichita, KS Wichita art community and Park and Recreation biannual event. Free to attend Free to vend. A biannual event held at different parks to showcase all things that make our city great. This even […]

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