- This event has passed.
Hearing for the CAR WASH case # CON2021-000015
June 3, 2021 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Metropolitan Area Planning Commission will hear the of the Club Car Wash on the river.
The people understand eventually redevelopment will come to this lot.
The question is whether a high-volume commercial drive thru car wash is suitable.
This is a 3 Part Process… The MAPC Hearing, The Protest Petition period, and the DAB meeting.
First, Hearing is JUNE 3rd, Submit your testimony at the hearing.
Case CON2021-000015 Metropolitan Area Planning Commission. (MAPC)
If you do not have web access attend in person by going to Century II, 1:30pm.
Public Participation in MAPC Meetings is Now Possible in Person in the City Council Chambers at City Hall OR Possible Remotely
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. >>> https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/651544141
You can also dial in using your phone.
- United States: +1(571)317-3112
- Access Code: 651-544-141
Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
- Dial in or type: or inroomlink.goto.com
- Meeting ID: 651 544 141
- Or dial directly: 651544141@ or
If you are unable to attend, you may write or send an email
(to arrive the day before) by June 2, at 4:00pm.
Case # CON2021-00015 Car Wash,
Email; Kathy Morgan, Senior Planner, KMorgan@wichita.gov
Mail; Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department
Attn: Kathy Morgan 271 W. 3rd Street – Suite 201 Wichita, KS 67202
Or call 316.268.4421
Second, After the Hearing, even if you agree with the decision, notified property owners must send your Protest Petition. If you own property within 200ft of the location of the proposed car wash, you must turn it in but not before June 3rd. Make sure it arrives within 13 days at 4pm. See instructions on the mailer sent by the city or visit; https://www.wichita.gov/Planning/PlanningDocument/Protest%20Petition.pdf to download another copy. Follow the instructions to the letter. There is an appeal process that will depend on these petitions no matter what the decision.
Third, Attend the DAB meeting. June 23rd.
The District VI Advisory Board meeting will be conducted virtually on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The meeting is open to the public with multiple options to participate: The public can join the meeting through the Zoom platform or view the meeting live on the District 6 Facebook page.
- Join Zoom meeting on a computer, tablet, or smartphone
Click on the link below and enter the meeting ID and passcode.
https://zoom.us/j/91224311580?pwd=QVlaTWV1OFpDMHIzZ2VFODJaeVNCQT09Meeting ID: 912 2431 1580
Passcode: 066517 - Join Zoom meeting via telephone (audio only):
Dial +1 312 626 6799 and enter the meeting ID and passcode listed above. - Submit Comments Ahead of Time
Residents also have the option to submit comments regarding items on the DAB VI agenda by emailing Ana Lopez, Community Services Representative, District VI at alopez@wichita.gov. Please provide your name, address, and which agenda item you are speaking toward, followed by comments. To ensure comments are included, all emails must be submitted no later than 2 p.m. on the day of the meeting. In lieu of reading written public comments live into the record during the meeting, such comments shall be provided in writing to the Council Member and DAB members. All written comments will be attached and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.